Same Day Delivery, All Around Bahrain

Same Day Delivery, All Around Bahrain

Exchange and Returns

    1. For your safety, Belleza does not allow the return or exchange of Cosmetics and Care products, even if the product was on its original condition, except for products that reached you damaged only.
    2. Also, you can return the devices within 7 days from the delivery date of order, on condition that it was not open or used and it should be on its original condition as received from Belleza.
    3. In retrieving a product in its original condition (not damaged), the retrieve fee will be paid by the customer.
    4. After completing the shipment process, the customer must contact us to provide us with the expected shipment number.
    5. In retrieving a damaged product, Belleza will pay all fees
    6. For more return and exchange inquiries, please contact our customer service via:
    7. Contact Us Page Click Here
    8. Email: [email protected]
    9. Whatsapp: +973 34 41 48 40
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